Pop Warner football season is coming up in about a month. I got all my pads last Saturday because it is my second year of tackle football but third year overall. I played Flag when I was in 1st grade.
Last year I played lineman on offense and defense and a little bit of running back. I hope I get the positions of linebacker and receiver. But really I like any position.
This year my goal is to be one of the hardest tacklers. My mom says that because I am a big kid, I can take people out.

That's also why I like to play ice hockey. A couple weeks ago I got a hat trick in my ice hockey game. Which means I got three goals in one game. And then the next week I got two assists, which means I passed the puck to the person who scored.
This past Saturday, I scored the first goal of the game, lost my balance and slid right into the goal. Everyone was celebrating while I was stuck in the goal like a bug who can't get off his back. When I was sliding in, I was so scared that my ribs were going to hit the post of the goal, but I put out my hand and pulled myself into the goal.
Our goalie got a shutout, which means he didn't allow any goals from the other team. Our defense is really good but I usually play right/left wing. My backwards skating isn't as good as some of the other guys so I don't really play defense.
Right now my sister is being a crazy person and rocking out to Rock With You by Michael Jackson. If you saw the video on my mom's blog, you can tell she loves singing Michael, especially Beat It and Billie Jean.
She is also incredibly obsessed with 30 seconds to Mars. My mom is saying with Jared Leto as the front man she should be. I don't even know what this means.
That's all HE wrote.