By the way, I won the word of the week with my last post. The Nerd Mafia said I was now a Made Kid and gave me this award. Thank you readers for commenting and saying I should win. And also, thank you to Nerd Mafia for voting that I should win. Cool.

So, a couple of weeks ago I got a little rambunctious and took a dip in the pool with my bike. I was riding my bike around the pool and went too fast off the step and I went into the shallow end of the pool very slowly. I was wearing all of my clothes and it took my shoes five whole days to finally dry. I checked everyday to see if they were dry.

Immediately my dad was taking pictures like a paparazzi and my mom came running out of the house and flipped out. When everything was done that's when she told me I shouldn't ride my bike around the pool and that I am NOT Evel Knieval.